Why Go Solar?

Solar is a proven technology that’s been used for decades.

There are multiple reasons to go solar:

  1. Save Money – When you generate your own electricity, it costs less, and you can sell excess electricity back to your utility company
  2. Help the Environment – Solar is a clean and renewal energy source that reduces our dependence on environmentally unfriendly fossil fuels
  3. Predictable Cost – You are insulating yourself from future electric rate increases
  4. Increased Home ValueAccording to Money.com, having a solar system increases the value of your home by 4.1%

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(844) 350-5552

Each quote is customized for your specific needs and electricity usage. Call us today to start saving!

How Does Solar Work?

It’s actually a very simple process. The solar panel captures sunlight and converts it to DC energy. The inverter then changes the DC energy to AC energy so it can be used in our homes. If your system produces more energy than your house uses, the excess is sent back to your utility company and you’ll earn account credits.

How Does Financing Work?

We help you with financing every step of the way. It’s similar to getting a car loan. Once approved, you’ll send payments in to your finance company, instead of the utility company.

What Size Solar System Do I Need?

The system will be tailored to your specific needs based on your usage. Grab your power bill and look for the section which shows your annual kWh usage.

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What Are The Steps To Going Solar?

Many companies attempt to make going solar seem difficult. There are only a few steps throughout the process and we streamline the entire process for you.

During the site visit we’re looking at the roof type, angle of the roof, if there’s any shading, and then checking to see how much electricity you’re borrowing from your utility on an annual basis. We’ll choose a system size that best suits your needs and then complete the necessary paperwork to move ahead.

We handle all of this on your behalf. Our experienced, and highly-trained, associates work with your utility company and the city to get all the proper permits in order.

The installation process takes 2-3 days, depending on the situation. We do our best to complete as fast as possible, while making sure our quality is second-to-none.

As the final step in the installation process, the Utility company inspects the installation from solar, electrical, and grid connectivity viewpoints and provides their “Permission to Operate” – “PTO”. It is only after the PTO is granted that the system can be “Turned ON” an put into operation.

How Do I Monitor My System?

One of the coolest aspects of having your own solar system is being able to see exactly how much electricity your system is producing. Valencia Electric & Solar Services will set up monitoring so you can see your system’s production from your phone, tablet, or computer.

In addition to you being able to monitor the system, we’ll be able to see your production as well. If we see a problem, we’ll let you know before you realize it yourself.

Tell Me About Tax Credits?

Homeowners who install solar get a 26% tax credit, not a deduction. It is worth dollar for dollar. In 2021, that tax credit goes to 22%. It’s a great time to install solar.

What Goes On My Roof?

We partner with some of the world’s largest solar panel and inverter manufacturers. Below are a few of the different companies we work with.


How Do I Get Started?

Call (844) 350-5552 or fill out the form below.

Call us! 1-844-350-5552